Well it's been awhile since my last upload of info and news. Unfortunately for health reasons I have been unable to Blog in the last 8 months. The good news is, my health has been improving and I can continue uploading BMX photo's, videos And information for this website. Thank all of you who have visited this website. I would love to hear from you riders from the past and present. 

If you have any things planned email and I will post it right away! 

In no order I will be going through my pictures, videos and maybe some old bmx stuff and getting it up on this website.
9/22/2009 10:51:55 am

Dale - the site is lookin good!
Keep going! I am loving the shot of you jumpin the mustang - Awesome!

9/22/2009 12:21:22 pm

Thanks, I think it was about 81 or 82. The Mustang was a beast.

9/26/2009 02:30:35 pm

Fire up that scanner and them typin fingers! - We want more!


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